Ted Megas–Megas Custom

Coming of age in Buffalo, New York in the 1960s, Ted Megas was engrossed in the guitar as a 13-year-old. His father was a metallurgical engineer and experienced woodworker who opened the door for young Ted to experiment freely with a wide selection of tools, and methods to build the items he could not afford otherwise such as speaker cabinets among other things. Ted attended Ohio State University as an engineering student, but was much more interested in playing Jazz fusion and finding musicians with the same goals. In 1973, Ted relocated to San Francisco where he pursued performing music professionally and applied his woodworking skills and talents in crafting custom furniture and cabinets to earn a steady income.
After stumbling upon a book; “The Electric Guitar – Its History and Construction” by Donald Brosnac, Megas’ trajectory had been completely altered. Over the next few years, Ted decided to dedicate his efforts to guitar building and successfully made the transition to full-time luthier, building eight to ten instruments per year. Honing his craft over the years, Megas garnered the attention of players, and collectors with the meticulous attention to detail and quality of his work. Today Ted Megas continues to build the highest-level handcrafted guitars. Players and collectors continue to admire and covet the instruments and other builders often consult with and learn from Megas.
Megas’ contribution to The Blue Collection substitutes the usual ebony for cocobolo on the fingerboard as well as the binding, bridge, pickguard, tailpiece, tuning buttons and headstock veneer. The guitar also comes with a spruce top, and quilted maple on the back, sides, and five piece neck. Megas’ creativity also blossoms with the use of punctual mother-of-pearl on the nut. His work can be seen at megasguitars.com